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Better Together

People grew and changed every day. Relationships evolved. Reminding himself that TJ loved him and that he loved TJ and that together, they could make it. If they wanted to and tried.

    So, that was what they were doing.




After the loss of their daughter, Jude didn't know if he'd ever be the man he once was. But he was trying to be better. Better friend, better lover, better father.


Luckily, Jude had a pretty fantastic mate who met him halfway every time. Especially when they discovered a new member would be joining them.


With the new baby, Jude had to acknowledge his fears and work through them with his helpful therapist. And he wasn't the only one. As TJ continued going to the Mourning Alpha support group, he leaned on a new friend, Brock. But when Jude met the alpha, he didn't know what to make of the intimidating man. Was it all in Jude's head or was there something more to this man than simple kindness towards TJ?

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