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Growing Together

Their little boy was growing up. And while it made Jude’s chest clench to think about how fast the time flew by, it filled him with a sense of accomplishment. That they had done the best they could and raised a polite, good boy who stood for what he believed in. And with all of that, it brought some excitement to see how their oldest continued to grow.




Faster than they thought possible, Jude and TJ's firstborn entered junior high, but more specifically, puberty. The pair knew it was coming, but with the rampant attitude and mood swings, the pair was unaware just what it would be like to have five energetic kids and a brassy pre-teen.


With new friends, new emotions, and a bar mitzvah, the Greenes had a busy year ahead of them. But after thirteen years together, the pair knew that they could make it through anything together.


And with Oliver growing up, all Jude and TJ could hope was that they were raising him - and his siblings - right.

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