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A Whole New Ballfield

Beneath the lovey there were three Pooh themed onesies with three matching pants and pairs of socks. Jude couldn’t believe it. He was going to be a grandfather! FINALLY! It had been almost three years, and Jude and TJ had been trying not to get their hopes up, but how could they not? They loved their son and their son-in-law, and with Jude and TJ going to be empty nesters in the upcoming spring, they were more than ready to have a few – or more – grandpups running around.


College, weddings, and now, at last, grandkids.


With the house empty more often times than not, Jude and TJ were more than ready for Oliver and his loving husband to welcome their first child. They couldn't help but think of all the fun stuff they could do with the next generation of Greenes. It was, after all, a great distraction from preparing their youngest babies to leave the home and start in their steps into adulthood.

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